I am new to this kind of thing,
it is more expensive than a king with bling.

you have to live up to its expectations,
making friends with all sorts of nations.

switch your washer to rinse in cold water,
and turning off the sprinklers when the weather gets hotter.

turn off the lights when not in use,
we should not let the earth be abused.

smoking is bad for the air and your health,
switch to a hyrbrid and save your wealth.

think twice before you throw trash around,
the earth does not want that found.

unplug your cords from the outlet,
when you see your electrical bill you won't have a fret.

try carpooling with a friend,
less pollution is the way to mend.

save enough water for your town,
instead when not needed for a use shut it down.

the disney song, "send it on" means well,
follow their instructions and the earth will feel swell.

making a difference right in my home is easy,
especially when the world is feeling needy.

i want to continue and share my knowledge of this system,
sharing to all of my friends and this wonderful wisdom.

this may sound all weird and new,
but together i think we can create a better view.

all in all being energy-efficent is very good,
so listen to this poem and save the world.


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